How to Clean Glass Shower Doors With Bleach

The same bleach and water solution you use to clean ceramic tile in your shower can also clean glass shower doors. Sponge it on to remove mold and mildew stains and prevent future soap scum stains.

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By Mary Gagliardi

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Use as directed.

When it’s time to clean glass shower doors, Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach makes it easy. Just mix up our bleach and water solution, spray it on, wait a few minutes, then rinse it off. Not only does this solution remove mold and mildew from glass doors and other hard, nonporous surfaces in your shower, it also protects them from future stains like soap scum.

Don't ignore soap scum

Cleaning mold sometimes means cleaning soap scum first

If your glass shower doors have mold and mildew stains AND soap scum, treat the soap scum first with Clorox® Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner. Just spray it on, wait a few minutes, then rinse to break up the soap scum and make it easier for the bleach to take care of the mold and mildew. Added bonus: cleaning with Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach repels future mold stains and soap scum, too.

What you need

Steps to clean glass shower doors

  1. Prepare the area

    Open a window to allow good air circulation. Set aside any non-slip mats, as well as personal care products such as shampoo bottles, soap and razors.

  2. Mix the bleach and water solution

    Fill the spray bottle with 4 cups of water, then add 4 teaspoons Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach. Wear protective gloves and clothing you don’t mind accidentally contacting the bleach solution.

    Never use bleach at full strength on any surface. It should always be diluted with water first.

  3. Spray the solution onto the shower doors

    Starting at the top, spray the solution onto each door, working your way down as you go. Re-spray as needed to keep the doors wet for 6 minutes, scrubbing with the sponge if needed to remove tough stains.


    For severe mold and mildew, allow the solution to stay on the surface for 10 minutes before rinsing.

  4. Rinse with water and air dry

    Use the shower head to rinse the doors. For any areas the water doesn’t reach, you can empty the spray bottle and fill it with clean water and spray down any remaining areas still needing a rinse. Once the area is dry, replace the items removed prior to cleaning.


    Bleach and water solutions should be made fresh daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

What surfaces are safe for a bleach and water solution?

In addition to glass, you can also use Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach on stainless steel, sealed granite, glazed ceramic tile, painted wood and many other hard, nonporous surfaces. Do not use on marble, non-stainless steel, aluminum, silver or chipped enamel.

Can you use bleach at full strength?

No, bleach must always be diluted with water first. When diluted with water as directed, bleach can be safely used on a variety of hard, nonporous surfaces.