Can You Use Clorox Wipes to Clean Suede Couch Furniture?

Is your microsuede couch looking dingy? Find out if you can use Clorox Wipes on suede and microfiber sofas and how to clean a microfiber and microsuede couch.
I am renting a furnished house. It has off-white colored micro suede chairs and a sofa. These are getting a dingy look from everyday wear. I know they are not supposed to get wet to avoid water stains, but is there a way to clean them? I was thinking of trying a Clorox wipe, which wouldn’t get them saturated. Any suggestions?
Micro suede is a synthetic fabric designed to look like natural suede, a type of leather made from the underside of an animal hide that has a soft, napped finish.
Since micro suede is made of synthetic material (typically polyester), it is easier to care for than natural suede, and it actually may be okay to try to blot away stains with a damp cloth and then brush the nap to restore the finish. Typically, “damp cloth” means just plain water and not a detergent or cleaning solution of some sort because that would alter the nap. That’s why Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes are not recommended for spot treating micro suede fabrics (or natural suede for that matter).
Couches often have care instructions attached to the seat under the cushions. Start there to see what type of care is recommended. It’s likely that bringing in a professional cleaner is the way to go, especially if the stains you report are from body soil that has built up over time. Plain water won’t be enough to break up this type of stain. A professional upholstery cleaner will have a solvent-based solution that will hopefully restore the appearance.