How to Clean a Litter Box With or Without Bleach

Cleaning your cat's litter box isn't fun, but it's necessary. Here’s how to clean a litter box using bleach or bleach-free solutions, to help ensure a happy home for you and your feline friend.
When cleaning a pet’s favorite spaces, safety is always top of mind. And while bleach will always be a powerful disinfecting option, our Free & Clear line offers a convenient and effective alternative that’s formulated without bleach, dyes or ammonia. Whichever option you choose, remember to wear gloves as you wipe away urine and feces build-up.
Cleaning with Free & Clear
What you need
Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Cleaner Spray
Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable* Cleaning Wipes
Nitrile gloves
Heavy weight large garbage bag
Paper towels
Steps to clean and disinfect a litterbox with Free & Clear
Remove the cat litter from the litter box
Put on the gloves first, then empty the cat litter from the box into a large heavy duty garbage bag.
TipIf the cat litter is reusable, set the garbage bag holding it aside. If it’s ready to be replaced, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disposal.
Clean the scoop
Hold the scoop over the empty litter box while cleaning it. Spray with Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner and wipe away any soils with paper towels, then set it aside. Or you can also wipe the scoop clean using Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable Cleaning Wipes. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid contact with any cat feces.
TipTo clean in between the slots on the scoop, pull the wipes through them to dislodge solids.
Clean the inside of the litter box
Working on one side at a time, start at the top and spray with Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner, then wipe clean with paper towels; clean the bottom last. Or wipe clean with Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable Cleaning Wipes.
TipDispose of paper towels and compostable wipes with fecal matter on them in the trash. Fecal waste should not be composted.
Clean the outside
Spray the outside with the Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner and wipe clean with a paper towel, or wipe the outside clean with additional Composting Cleaning Wipes. Don’t forget to clean the bottom, too.
Hold Clorox® Free & Clear Disinfecting Mist 6-8 inches away from the surface as you mist the litter box all over (both the inside and the outside) until thoroughly wet.
TipSurface must remain visibly wet for 2 minutes to disinfect.
Allow to dry
Disinfected surfaces will air dry in a few minutes, or they can be wiped dry with a paper towel.
Refill with cat litter
Refill with fresh cat litter, or with reserved cat litter if reusing, then dispose of the garbage bags.
Cleaning with bleach
What you need
Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach with CLOROMAX® - Concentrated Formula
Nitrile gloves
Heavy weight large garbage bag
Dish detergent
Nylon scrub brush
Measuring cup
Steps to clean and disinfect a litterbox with bleach
Remove the cat litter from the litter box
Put on the gloves first, then empty the cat litter from the litter box into a large heavy duty garbage bag.
TipIf the cat litter is reusable, set the garbage bag holding it aside. If it’s ready to be replaced, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disposal.
Wash the inside of the litter box
Add a little warm water and dish detergent to the litter box. Scrub with the nylon brush if needed to remove stubborn build-up, then rinse the litter box with clean water.
TipClean the litter scoop at the same time.
Make the disinfecting bleach solution
Measure 1 gallon of water into the now pre-cleaned litter box, then add 1/3 cup Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach.
Use the sponge to wipe the bleach solution onto the sides of the litter box, sponging on more solution as needed to keep surfaces wet. Don’t forget to disinfect the outside, too.
TipSurface must remain visibly wet for 6 minutes to disinfect.
Thoroughly rinse the litter box and the scoop with clean water.
Allow to dry
Prop up the litter box for good air circulation and allow to air dry completely.
Refill with cat litter
Refill with fresh cat litter or the reserved cat litter if reusing, then dispose of the garbage bags.