How to Clean and Sanitize a High Chair

It’s easy to clean and sanitize your baby’s high chair, with or without bleach. For a bleach-free solution, use our Free & Clear line of products that’s safe around kids, food and pets!*
It’s easier than you might think to safely clean and sanitize high chair surfaces. While disinfecting bleach is always a great option, our bleach-free Clorox® Free & Clear product line is safe to use around kids, food and pets.* And it kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses when used as directed, making it a great disinfecting option for high chairs and other baby items.
Cleaning with bleach
What you need
Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach with CLOROMAX® - Concentrated Formula
Dish detergent
Plastic dishpan
Measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Steps to sanitize a high chair with bleach
Pre-clean the high chair tray
Remove the tray from the chair and use the sponge and the dish detergent to wash it with hot soapy water, then rinse with clean water. Set the tray aside, and then rinse the sponge and set it with the tray.
TipWipe down the rest of the chair with the sponge to remove obvious food at the same time you clean the tray.
Make the bleach sanitizing solution
Measure 1 gallon of water (16 cups) into the plastic dishpan, then add 2 teaspoons Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach.
TipBleach and water solutions used for sanitizing must be made fresh daily.
Sanitize the high chair
Use the sponge to wipe the high chair tray and the high chair with the bleach and water solution, reapplying as needed so the surfaces stay wet.
TipTo sanitize, surfaces must stay wet for 2 minutes.
Air dry
There is no rinsing step when sanitizing food-contact surfaces, including high chairs. Just let the tray and the chair air dry before use.
Cleaning with Free & Clear
What you need
Clorox® Free & Clear Disinfecting Mist
Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Cleaner Spray
Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable* Cleaning Wipes
Paper towels
Steps to clean and sanitize a high chair with Free & Clear
Pre-clean the high chair
Hold Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner 6-8 inches from the surface and spray onto the high chair, then wipe clean with a paper towel. Or you can wipe the high chair clean with Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable Cleaning Wipes.
Sanitize the high chair
Hold Clorox® Free & Clear Disinfecting Mist 6-8 inches away from the surface and spray the high chair until thoroughly wet.
TipSurface must remain visibly wet for 1 minute to sanitize, or 2 minutes to disinfect.
Allow to dry
Treated surfaces will air dry in a few minutes, or they can be wiped dry with a paper towel.
- *
When used as directed.