How to Clean and Sanitize Pet Bowls

Learn how to clean and sanitize dog and pet bowls, cat dishes and more with our Free & Clear line of products, formulated without ammonia, bleach or dyes, and safe around pets and food.*

More from Clorox experts
By Mary Gagliardi

Discover more ways to clean.

Use as directed.

We know pets are like family. It’s one of the reasons our Clorox® Free & Clear products are formulated to deliver a powerful clean without ammonia, bleach or dyes, so they’re safe to use around fur babies and food.* On top of that, clean up is easy with no rinse required!

Cleaning and sanitizing with Free & Clear

What you need

Steps to clean and sanitize pet bowls with Free & Clear

  1. Clean pet bowl

    Hold Clorox® Free & Clear Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner 6-8 inches from the surface and spray onto the pet bowl, then wipe clean with paper towels; clean the bottom last. Or wipe clean with Clorox® Free & Clear Compostable Cleaning Wipes.

  2. Sanitize the pet bowl

    Hold Clorox® Free & Clear Disinfecting Mist 6-8 inches away from the surface and spray the pet bowl all over (both the inside and the outside) until thoroughly wet.


    Surface must remain visibly wet for 1 minute to sanitize, or 2 minutes to disinfect.

  3. Allow to dry

    Treated surfaces will air dry in a few minutes, or they can be wiped dry with a paper towel.

Cleaning and sanitizing with bleach

What you need

Steps to sanitize pet bowls with bleach

  1. Make the bleach sanitizing solution

    Measure 1 gallon of water (16 cups) into the plastic dishpan, then add 2 teaspoons Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach.


    Bleach and water solutions must be made fresh daily.

  2. Pre-clean the pet bowl

    Wash the pet bowl with the dish detergent and hot water, then rinse with clean water.

  3. Soak the pet bowl in the bleach solution

    Set the pet bowl into the sanitizing solution and let it soak for 2 minutes.

  4. Air dry

    There is no rinsing step when sanitizing food-contact surfaces, including your pets food and water bowls and toys. Simply let the pet bowl air dry before use.

  • *

    When used as directed.