How to Get Red Soda Out of Carpet

Red soda stains on carpet stand out and look rough. Follow our carpet stain removal tips to learn how to get red soda, pop, and soft drink stains out of carpet.
How do I remove a red soda stain on my carpet that has been there for a month?
Ideally a beverage spill can be immediately blotted and then rinsed with water to reduce the amount of stain needing to be removed. However, that’s much more difficult to do with carpet. A stain that sits for a while will make it even more difficult to remove. You may want to try Formula 409® Carpet Spot & Stain Remover on it.
If it turns out that the red colorant in the soda really needs an oxidant to fully remove the satin, you could also try Clorox® Urine Remover, which comes in a spray bottle and includes hydrogen peroxide in the formula. Have a pile of towels and some warm water handy to help you work on the stain. Spray on the stain remover and let it soak into the stain, and wait 3 minutes. Then blot the stain with a clean towel dampened with water to absorb the red soda Hopefully the stain will be lighter, and you can repeat this until you work the stain out. When you are finished, if your carpet is older you might want to clean the entire room with a carpet cleaning machine and avoid having a very clean spot relative to the rest of the room.