How to Remove Tea Stains From Cups, Surfaces, and Clothes With Bleach

Follow these tea stain removal steps to learn how to use bleach to remove tea stains from clothes, mugs, tea cups, plastic, and other surfaces.

Discover more ways to clean.

Use as directed.


Removing tea stains from whites and colors

  1. Rinse

    Hot tea calls for a cold rinse. Just make sure you rinse from the back of the garment to prevent the stain from sinking in.

  2. Pre-Treat

    Pretreat bleach-safe whites with a bleach and water solution made with ¼ cup Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach added to ¾ cup water immediately before washing. Or, for colors or white items with spandex, apply Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive directly to the stain and rub in, wait 10 minutes before washing.

  3. Wash

    Machine wash using detergent and ⅓ cup Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach for bleach-safe whites or Clorox 2® for Colors Stain Remover and Laundry Additive for colors or white items with spandex.

  4. Dry

    Air dry and check your progress. Make sure you’ve got the stain out before putting the item in a hot dryer.


In a pinch? Make a quick vinegar solution (1 tsp. vinegar in 1 quart of water) and spray the stain. Let it sit for ten minutes, then blot, rinse and wash.


Removing tea from surfaces

  1. Remove

    Remove excess tea.

  2. Spray

    To clean and disinfect: Spray Clorox® Clean-Up® Cleaner + Bleach 4–6 inches from surface until thoroughly wet. Wait 30 seconds.

  3. Rinse

    Rinse or wipe clean. Food contact surfaces require a clean water rinse.