My Cat Pooped on My Bed: How Do I Clean It?

Uh oh, the cat pooped on the bed again. Learn how to clean cat poop off beds, mattresses, and blankets in addition to getting rid of that cat poop smell.
How can I remove cat poop from a mattress?
I’m guessing the discoloration from the cat poop leaked through the sheets onto the mattress, but if not (maybe your cat got on your mattress while you were cleaning the mattress cover) and you have dried solids on the mattress, you will need to vacuum first. Regular mattress vacuuming is actually recommended for ongoing care of a mattress, so it’s a good place to start.
Next, you’ll want to remove any stain left behind. Mattresses are a really challenging surface to clean because on the one hand they should not get wet, but on the other hand you’ll need a water based cleaning solution to get the stains off. A good technique is to spray enough Clorox® Urine Remover Spray onto a clean wash cloth to get it damp. Next, gently dab the stain with the damp cloth. Finally, use a second clean (dry) cloth to blot the stain. Make sure while you are doing this that you don’t get the mattress too wet!
Another option is to use an upholstery cleaner, particularly one that is for pet stains. Follow the instructions on the package, being extra careful to not get the mattress too wet. It may be necessary to rent a steam cleaner with an upholstery attachment to get the stain all the way off. It really depends on how bad the stain is.
When you are finished, make sure the mattress dries completely before re-making the bed.
I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for writing!